Project Acronym: V2SDF
Project Number: 101128730
Funding Scheme: ERASMUS2027
Project Start Date and End Date: 01/12/2023 - 30/11/2026
Total Budget: 500 000 EUROS
EU Contribution: 399 999 EUR
Coordinator and Partners:
- Consejeria De Educacion De La Junta De Castilla Y Leon - Consejeria De Education (IES La Merced (Coordinator) - CIFP Tecnológico Industrial - León - DG Formación Profesional Y Régimen Especial)
- Conselleria De Cultura, Educacion, Formacion Profesional E Universidades (CIFP Someso)
- Kocaeli Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Gölcük Vocational And Technical Anatolian High School Gölcük Mtal)
- Centre D Enseignement Des Metiers De Gitaba
- Ministere De L'enseignement Superieur Et De La Recherche Scientifique - Mesrs (Direction Générale De L'enseignement Technique, De La Formation Professionnelle Et Des Métiers - DGETFPM - Centre De Formation Polytechnique Et De Reconversion Professionnelle De Rusi - CEFORE-Rusi)
- Ministere Des Affaires De La Communaute Est Africaine, De La Jeunesse, Des Sports Et De La Culture (Programme D'autonomisation Economique Et D'emploi Des Jeunes - PAEEJ)
- Nduwimana Radack
- Lycee Technique Christ Roi De Mushasha
- Dieudonne Nimubona Rukundo - NIRUDI
Project Objectives:
The overall objective of the V2SDF project is to participate in the improvement of vocational training in Burundi so that it serves as a useful tool for sustainable development, responds to the country's strategic environmental objectives and is well adapted to the labour market.
Project Summary:
Burundi to respond to the country's environmental sustainability strategies.
One of the biggest environmental problems Burundi has to face is deforestation, which is largely due to the use of firewood or charcoal as practically the only possible fuel for cooking.
With the V2SDF project we will design a professional training course in Solar Cooker Manufacturing (SCM), train VET teachers from Burundi, develop supporting teaching materials and design a suitable workshop model to impart the course.
To test, improve and evaluate the quality of the project results, a prototype workshop will be implemented in a pilot course with Burundian students in Gitega (Burundi).
The expected medium-term impact of this project is that the Burundian labour market will be provided with technicians to supply the country with solar cookers, thereby reducing the amount of wood and charcoal used for cooking by Burundian families and at the same time boosting the local economy.
The expected long-term impact is to use the sun as a normal source of energy for cooking and thus reduce deforestation.
The project will involve VET schools in Burundi, Spain and Turkey, the general directorates of VET of Castilla y León (Spain) and Burundi, a Burundian state employment agent and a Burundian company, as well as a Spanish company acting as an affiliated entity. The project is also supported by several universities and companies as partners.
Finally, it is important to highlight that the project has the commitment of the Burundian Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research to include the Solar Cookers Manufacturing course in the national catalogue of vocational training courses.
Project Impact: Expected impacts in terms of scientific, social, economic, or environmental outcomes.
Contact Information: https://www.v2sdf.eu/en/contact
Website: https://www.v2sdf.eu/en
Project Status: Active