Name of the Institution
Name of the Coordinator
Address of the institution

Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional de León CIFPTI DE LEÓN
C/Profesor Gaspar Morocho s/n
24007 LEÓN León

Presentation of the institution

The Integrated Vocational Training Centre of León belongs to the network of Integrated Vocational Training Centres of public ownership, dependent on the Junta de Castilla y León, and it teaches Middle and Higher Level Training Cycles, as well as Basic Vocational Training. It is located in the city of León, Calle Profesor Gaspar Morocho nº 1 C.P. 24007, Polígono de la Torre, located in a newly constructed building and facilities, whose works were completed in 2009.

In the BOCyL of 5 August 2009, AGREEMENT 101/2009, of 30 July, of the Junta de Castilla y León, by which Integrated Vocational Training Centres are created. It is agreed the creation of the Integrated Vocational Training Centre of León, so that the teachings that were taught in the IES "La Torre" of León located in Calle La Torre nº 7, CP 24001, are transferred to the Integrated Vocational Training Centre of León. This entails the suppression of this IES at the end of the academic year 2008-2009.

The history of the Centre dates back to 1946, when it began to function as an Elementary School of Work, dependent on the Provincial Board of Vocational Training belonging to the Ministry of Labour. In March of the same year, a place was reserved for students for the first course of Initial Professional Initiation, which consisted of three courses of Industrial Officialía. In 1957 it became a School of Industrial Mastery, located in La Torre Street with three professional branches: Metal (nowadays Professional Family of Mechanical Manufacture), Electricity and Wood, being inaugurated by the Minister of National Education Mr. Jesús Rubio García-Mina and by the General Director of Labour Education Mr. Guillermo de Reyna y Medina.

In 1964 the Professional branch of Delineation was introduced (currently the Professional Family of Building and Civil Works).

In 1986 the Professional branch of Hairdressing and Aesthetics was introduced (currently the Professional Family of Personal Image).

In 1997, the Professional branch of Maintenance and Production Services was introduced (currently the Professional Family of Installation and Maintenance).

With the approval of the General Education Act of 1970, it was transformed into a 1st and 2nd Grade Vocational Training Centre, teaching the FP1 (two years) and FP2 (three years) syllabuses, which replaced the Officialía (three years) and Maestría (two years) syllabuses.

In 1995, with the LOGSE, the Institute became a Secondary School and began to teach the 2nd Cycle of Secondary Education, the LOGSE Baccalaureate and Specific Vocational Training (Intermediate and Higher Degrees). The 5 professional families that coexist in the centre from that moment are those of: Mechanical Manufacturing, Electricity-Electronics, Building and Civil Works, Personal Image and Maintenance and Production Services, as well as 2 Social Guarantee Programmes (Professional Initiation modality).

In the BOCyL of 13 August, ORDEN EDU/1713/2009, of 6 August, it was decided to set up the Integrated Vocational Training Centre of León.

Once the CIFP of León was created, in the BOCyL of 1 September 2009, according to the RESOLUTION of 18 August, of the General Directorate of Human Resources, of the Regional Ministry of Education, the teachers of IES "LA TORRE" were permanently assigned to the Integrated Vocational Training Centre of León.

The Centre was visited by the General Director of Vocational Training, Mr. Marino Arranz Boal, together with the Provincial Director of Education of León, Mrs. Mercedes Fernández Gordón, in the first days of September 2009, starting the academic year 2009-2010.

For all of the above, the Centre has a solid and proven track record in training students, who once they have finished their studies become qualified workers, occupying positions of responsibility in companies and industries, mainly in the area, but also spread throughout the national geography, many of whom subsequently continue on to university studies. In general, we try to instil in them the idea that they should be aware that we live in a world where technological changes are so rapid that training must be continuous.