Name of the Institution
Name of the Coordinator
Address of the institution

Kavaklı Mahallesi, Adnan Menderes Blv. No53
41040 Gölcük /Kocaeli

Presentation of the institution

There are 826 formal and 232 non-formal, totally 1 school principal,6 managers, 3 officers, 3 assistant staffs in our school. 30 classrooms, 4 laboratories for Information Technologies Department, 8 laborataries for Electric-electronic Technologies Department, 4 workplaces for Marine Enginnering Management Department, 4 laboratories for Marine Transportation Management, 6 laboratories for Ship building Department, 5 laboratories for Metal Technologies Department, 8 laboratories Machine Technologies Department, 5 laboratories for Furniture and interior design Technologies Department take place in our school. Each field is active as vocational distance education high school also, our school provide vocational training for private sector as UME centre and it provides Net proficiency training for students and traniees as CISCO Networking Academy. Cooperation protocols are signed with Chamber of Shipping and Faculty of Maritime Studies, Kocaeli University (KOU) for the applications in marine field, with MESS education Foundation for various education applications and with Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, MAGNA International and FORD OTOSAN A.Ş for in service training for teachers and students job placement subjects. We make a big contribution to vocational and technical education in Gölcük with those signed protocols;
- Educations are provided for school managers on management and leadership
- In service educations are provided fort he teachers in their own fields
- Laboratory support for our school is also supplied
- Schoolarship is awarded for the students studying in metal departments and successful students in some other departments by MESS foundation
- Skills education in business and internship are enabled
- Career development and guidance service are provided
- Company employees are provided with vocational training by the school
- Common Project s are developed in school company cooperation
- Procedures and principles that intend to make AR-GE studies are included.
Our school is the only school that has Shipbuilding Department in this region. Gölcük shipyard linked to Gölcük Fleet Command choose a big part of its workers from our school. Many students that we send to the companies have their internship in the shipyards in Gölcük area. All graduates are awarded with Europass showing their education outputs in the department they study. In the Department of Marine Transportation Management ,existing in the structure of our school, Bridge Liquided Cargo handling Simulator, electronic air Simulator, life saving appliances platform, fire training Simulator exist.
Moreover , our institution is the only school that is able to supply 32 different theoratical and practical education and certificate(like; life saving appliances, personal survival techniques at sea, ınternational ship and port security, advanced fire training , engine resources management, engine watch keeping certificate, elementary first aid, personal safety and social responsibility, automatic radar plotting aid certificate(ARPA) deck watch keeping certificate, bridge resources management Electronic chart displaying information system –ECDIS- trainings) in the departments of marine engineering and management and department of marine transportation management.
Many firms send their employees from our region or outside to those trainings, therefore; our school’s connections and co operations with the companies get stronger. Our school came as the first in our region with the Project called’ mind control’ which controls tiresome and won the right to send one teachers and students to CERN Switzerland. With the Project called ‘Artificial Intelligence’, our school was awarded with certificate of high achievement by Minister of Communication Technologies.
Our school provides many employees especially for the metal sector. There are lots of international companies in our region carry on business in the shipyards and metal industry. These companies have co operations with many international firms around the world and they demand students from our school who will be able to work in multi cultural settings. Our institution direct our students who are good with English and who have had the chance of having internship abroad to those firms.
Our school train students under the title of CISCO in information Technologies sector and graduate a part of our students with this certificate. Our school also aim to educate students and teachers abroad with this certificate to confirm that we give education about network administration in the international standards. What is more, an application is made for Microsoft imagine academy which will provide us to certificate a worldwide certificate. Our school will become an attractive centre fort he foreign students around the world in our strategic plan of internationalization. Our school is labelled with 2019 Erasmus + Vocational Education Student and Personal Mobility Accreditation certificate(VET Mobility Charter) by Turkish National Agency which means we have proved that we meet the general standards of quality in EU Education and Youth programmes. Thanks to Accreditation, we are entitled to send our students to abroad to have internship in foreign firms. We look for internship programmes that our students would attend.
Our School Erasmus Project Studies 2007 Leonardo Da Vinci - I am taking my Practical Training in Europe 2008 LLP - Creating a Highly Efficient Workforce by Providing CISCO Training to Graduate Students 2011 LLP Partnership-The Project method as a creative model in VET 2014 Erasmus + Young Entrepreneurs with High Networking Skills 2017 Erasmus + Integration of Mobile Applications to Automation Systems 2018 Erasmus + New Hopes for Our Children 2019 Erasmus Accreditation Certificate 2020 Erasmus + Sailing To Europe Our school students; within the scope of the Accreditation Certificate it has acquired, aims to have internship periods between 1-6 months on Information communication Technologies, Electric-electronics Technologies, Machine Technologies, Furniture and interior design Technologies, Metal Technologies and also ship building and maritime fields which ships carrying the flags of the member states of the European Union and on the flagged ships owned by the agencies in the EU countries or in other countries. As our school is the only one that has a maritime field in accreditation programme, Turkish National Agency supports our institution without any budget restrictions for the planned internship studies on maritime fields.